Sherry Szarowski
Phone: 716-829-6419
Fax: 716-829-3609

Click here for more information.
This program is made possible by the generous support of the following companies. Click on the logos below to visit their websites.

ID BADGE INSERTS Your ID badge insert will be mailed to you with your registration confirmation. You must bring this with you to the meeting.

  • CE Verification forms will be available in the Buffalo Convention Center Lobby. Please take only ONE CE Verification form. THIS ONE FORM IS FOR ALL LECTURES / COURSES YOU ATTEND THROUGHOUT THE MEETING
  • Complete the verification form as you attend lectures, including course titles, instructor's name, and verification numbers.
  • Submit the top copy of the CE verification form WHEN YOU COMPLETE YOUR LAST COURSE.
Keep the bottom / carbon copy for your records. This is your only record of attendance! Collection boxes are located in the Convention Center Lobby. CE Verification forms must be submitted at the Convention Center and will not be accepted by the University after the meeting.

FREE PARK AND RIDE SHUTTLE - Sponsored by Patterson Dental
Thursday, November 7, & Friday, November 8, 2024.

·       Free to all pre-registered attendees

·       Park at Buffalo RiverWorks

·       Shuttle buses to/from Buffalo Convention Center all day

·       Riverworks offers a discount on food purchases with your BNDM Badge

·       Drink & food specials at any Pearl Street Family Location with your BNDM Badge

A cancellation fee of $25 will apply to all cancellations. Written requests for a refund must be received by October 17, 2024. No refunds will be issued after October 17, 2024.

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