UB Dental Alumni Association Reaching Others UB Dental Alumni Association
UB Dental Alumni Association
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Course registration does not require login. Simply click on a course listed in the Calendar link above or in the Upcoming Events at the right.

If you are a UB School of Dental Medicine graduate and wish to login to the Online Directory or other restricted sites, complete the login process. We suggest you change your password after your initial login.

If you do not know your assigned username and password, call the Alumni Office at: (716) 829-2061.

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Upcoming Events
12/04/2024 (PM) Cysts and Odontogenic Tumors
12/06/2024 (ACDE) UMinn Dental-dedicated MRI
12/13/2024 (ACDE) Contemporary Ceramics inDental Implant Rehabilitation
2025/04/02 (PM) Dental Implant Healing and Peri-implantitis
2025/04/16 (PM) Infection Control (NYS approved)
2025/04/30 (PM) Drug-Influenced Gingival Enlargements
2025/05/09 RDH Symposium
2025/05/21 (PM) Airway Concerns in the Orthodontic & Pediatric Dental Pt
2025/06/13 Endodontic Workflow Lecture/Hands On Workshop
2025/06/26-27 Chautauqua Dental Congress

  UB School of Dental Medicine
  Giving to the School of Dental Medicine